Are we alone in this universe?

An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO), is any flying article or optical marvel that cannot be promptly recognizable to the spectator.  UFOs turned into a significant subject of interest following the advancement of rocketry after the Second World War and were thought by certain specialists to be intelligent extraterrestrial life visiting Earth.

Extraterrestrial life is theoretical life that may happen outside Earth and which didn't start on Earth. Such life may go from simple prokaryotes to intelligent creatures and surprisingly sapient beings, conceivably delivering developments which may be definitely further developed than mankind. The Drake equation  estimates about the presence of sapient life somewhere else in the universe.

The study of UFOs became known as ufology  and experts in the field were named ufologists.  Research in this area isn’t generally regarded as an academic branch.  The study of extraterrestrial life in the entirety of its structures is known as Astrobiology.

 It is well-known that the first recorded UFO sighting took place on June 14, 1947, a farm owner named W.W. Mack Brazel and his son Vernon were traveling through their ranch about 80 miles Northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, came across something they had never seen before. According to Brazel, this was "a large area of ​​light-colored debris made of rubber bands, aluminum foil, and fairly stiff paper and sticks".

The light fabric is like a light metal torn in the gravel and rock of a garden in the New Mexico desert. Brazil didn't know what to do with the newly discovered objects or how they ended up on the property, so on July 4th, he collected the mysterious remains he found. On July 7, he took everything to Roswell and delivered the goods to Sheriff George Wilcox.

Wilcox, as well, was bewildered.  Looking for answers, he reached Colonel "Butch" Blanchard, authority of the Roswell Army Airfield's 509th Composite Group, found right outside of town. Blanchard was hindered. Moving gradually up the hierarchy of leadership, he chose to contact his boss, General Roger W. Ramey, administrator of the eighth Air Force in Fort Worth, Texas.

Blanchard additionally sent Major Jesse Marcel, an  intelligence officer from the base, to examine all completely. Joined by the sheriff and Brazel,

Marcel got back to the site and gathered the entirety of the "destruction." As they attempted to determine what the materials were, Marcel decided to offer a public expression. On July 8, Marcel's remarks ran in the neighborhood evening paper, the Roswell Daily Record, close by a title text expressing "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell."

The body of the story contained an emotional, paramount sentence: "The knowledge office of the 509th Bombardment Group at Roswell Army Air Field reported around early afternoon today, that the field has come into the ownership of a Flying Saucer.

On June 24 An American Pilot Kenneth Arnold spotted nine objects flying high above Mount Rainier in Washington while flying his small plane. He was looking for a transport plane that had disappeared in the area. Finally he saw something unusual and strange, a series of nine unusual objects flying in a V formation. He calculated their speed at 2,700 kilometers per hour, three times faster than any plane. By then, he said, they were moving side by side, twirling and occasionally tossing, and looking like sauce.  The news of a sightings hit the U S media. The pilot had all the qualities of a reliable witness, but the details of his observations were twisted. Media reports said he had encountered flying sources. This was perhaps one of the biggest misquotes in history, but the term flying saucer has become a common name in America.

Today, many scholars consider the "Roswell occurrence" to be the most obvious bits of proof that the US government has concealed the presence of extraterrestrial life on Earth.

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July 25, 2021 at 2:01 PM ×

If ufo is real, then we will be in troble
